Not many people have been to a chiropractor, and some are nervous about having someone twist, pop, and crack their bones. This might sound frightening to some, but a chiropractor does not always use those techniques, nor are they as scary as they seem. Here are some myths about chiropractors that are not true.

#1 They just crack your back for you.

When we were kids, some of our friends had a hidden “talent” for cracking their knuckles or their neck really loudly. It can be difficult to separate a chiropractor from that visceral noise, but a skilled practitioner is much more than just a cracked back.

#2 They only work with car accident injuries.

The most common time for a chiropractor to be mentioned is for back pain due to car accident injuries. But a chiropractor can handle any pain that you might be experiencing, whether the pain is from a car accident or not.

#3 They are low tech.

At Westwood Clinic, we use computerized chiropractic that has the benefits of NASA technology. Reducing it to a science makes your treatment more precise.

Contact Westwood Clinic to find out more about our expert chiropractic services.